How Chair Lifts Make Life Easier For Stroke Patients

How Chair Lifts Make Life Easier For Stroke Patients

13 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If your senior loved one suffered a stroke and is unable or afraid to climb the stairs, stair lift medical devices can help. Stair lifts can help senior stroke patients stay in their homes longer and remain more independent. Many aging stroke patients believe that they must give up their homes because they can no longer navigate their stairs safely, and because of this, relocate to assisted living facilities. Here are some ways chair lifts can make life easier for stroke patients. 

Neurological Benefits

Strokes often cause residual neurological damage, including hemiparesis and hemiplegia. Hemiparesis refers to one-sided weakness, and while many stroke survivors with hemiparesis can still maintain their independence, they may not be strong or steady enough to go up and down the stairs safely. Conversely, hemiplegia refers to one-sided paralysis.

Wheelchair-bound stroke patients who are paralyzed on one side can still benefit from chair lifts because certain models are made specifically to accommodate wheelchairs. Becoming more independent by using medical devices such as chair lifts can also have a positive effect on a stroke survivor's mental health, and it may even give them more confidence to become more independent in other areas of their life.

Depth Perception And Vision Problems

Strokes can cause sensory deficits such as depth perception problems and visual changes. Because of this, stroke survivors may be at risk of falling when going up and down the stairs. Depth perception deficits may result in the person not putting their foot far enough into the step, resulting in a twisted ankle or fall, and vision problems may cause the stroke survivor to miss steps altogether, raising the risk for a serious accident or fracture.

Before your loved one uses the medical device by themselves, the stair lift technician will teach them how to safely use it. The technician will stay with the stroke survivor until they are comfortable using the chair lift by themselves. To make sure that the elderly person knows how to operate the lift, the technician will ask them for a return demonstration. Medical device customer service representatives are available by phone if the individual has any questions or concerns that might arise after the technician leaves.

If your family member has had a stroke and has mobility or sensory problems, consider the above benefits of stair lift medical devices. Once your loved one feels comfortable using the device, they will feel more secure and comfortable in their home so that they can focus on their favorite activities.